Keyboard for an ‘Octo’pus


Lightdance, May 8, 2011

The ballroom in the Conservatory of Longwood Gardens houses the newly restored 10,010 pipe organ, museum and interactive music room for hands-on discovery.

    • pete s.
    • May 8th, 2011

    Somewhere, somewhen, some other me has finished what I started to dream about, while I experimented with making organ pipes from wrapping-paper-, and carpet cardboard tubes and giving them voice with a reversed vacuum cleaner for a wind chest, and collected enough parts and assembled one of these in a *Very* high-ceilinged home somewhere, to noodle on the keys deep into the night. Sigh. Fun for Hallowe’en, anyway.
    I was tempted to put this on my computer background right away, but your Morning Glories shot still provides an important stress-relief function there. Besides, I’d probably get fingerprints all over my monitor, poking the keys to music in my head . Neat shot!

  1. Hi Pete, I’ve always credited you with a creative imagination. I’m glad my faith in you hasn’t been misplaced. Go to Longwood Gardens. They have already put together the wrapping paper and carpet cardboard tubes – all 10,010 of them!- and they let you play it. Well, probably not “it”, but something that sounds like “it.” I sincerely hope you have a piano. Any keyboard!
    I was inspired to take piano lessons when my daughter took them. I played with great feeling, but very slowly, since it took me so long to read notes. My daughter didn’t last long. She read notes like a whiz, but the lack of feeling made it obvious how much she enjoyed it.

    @pete s.

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